
The goal was to create a print campaign that humanizes plug point shapes through emotions, connecting technical innovation with human touchpoints.

Print Campaign
Overvoltage Products
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Process Highlights

  • Concept Development: We explored the unique shapes of plug points, interpreting their designs as visual metaphors for human emotions such as joy, surprise, frustration, and calmness.
  • Emotional Mapping: Created a narrative around how Eaton's overvoltage protection brings peace of mind, using the emotional expressions as storytelling anchors.
  • Visual Design: Designed striking visuals where plug points were stylized to reflect emotions, accompanied by concise messaging that tied back to Eaton's product benefits.
  • Brand Integration: Ensured the campaign maintained Eaton's brand identity, using clean typography, corporate colors, and a modern layout that aligned with their global presence.

The Solution

The resulting print campaign featured a series of artistic interpretations of plug points, each representing a different human emotion. For example, a surprised face for sudden power surges and a calm, smiling face for Eaton’s protective solutions. The accompanying tagline, "Power Emotions Under Control," encapsulated Eaton's promise of safety and reliability. The campaign effectively bridged the gap between technical expertise and human experience, making Eaton’s solutions both memorable and relatable.

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Before & After

The campaign stood out in its ability to simplify a technical concept while evoking an emotional response. It reinforced Eaton's leadership in circuit protection, resonating with both technical audiences and everyday consumers who value the security of their devices and appliances.

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Wilson Trading Co.